News from Upper Deck

Monday, April 12, 2010

Upper Deck International supports VU Ronald McDonald House

Upper Deck International recently made a donation to the Ronald McDonald House near the VU-hospital in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

A Ronald McDonald House provides parents of sick children with a place to stay while their child is being treated in a nearby hospital or rehabilitation center.

It's not only parents of sick children that stay in the house, their brothers and sisters can stay there too. Sometimes they only stay for one night and sometimes they are there for weeks.

When we visited the Ronald McDonald house, we gave them loads of toys and a cash donation on behalf of all employees. The gift will be shared with the VU "Kinderstad" (Children’s City) – a place in the hospital where sick or disabled children can play.

Assistant Housekeeper Marieke van der Willigen was delighted with our gift, explaining that these places can only exist with help of others.

There are currently 15 Ronald McDonald Houses in the Netherlands. For more information, visit


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